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3933 Walnut St | Philadelphia, PA 19104 | (215) 898-5264 | tjanae@upenn.edu | https://www.vpul.upenn.edu/ofsl/joining.php

Welcome! The Interfraternity Council (IFC) at Penn is glad you have taken the first steps to become a member of the fraternity & sorority community. The Interfraternity Council (IFC) at Penn is a community of 22 recognized social fraternities: 21 are men’s-fraternities and 1 (Delta Phi/St. Elmo Club) has gender-inclusive membership. At our core, we strive to provide a place of belonging where members experience fellowship, develop interpersonally, succeed academically, and contribute positively to Penn, Philadelphia, and society as a whole. Fraternities at Penn are values-based organizations and comprise a wide array of individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences. 

To learn more about the community, view the Office of Fraternity and Sorority (OFSL) website and IG @pennofsl; IFC IG @penn.ifc. The websites show a list of recognized IFC fraternities. Unfortunately, at Penn, some groups of students operate independently but refer to themselves as fraternities. They are not affiliated with the IFC since they were de-recognized by their National Headquarters for severe health & safety violations related to hazing, alcohol, drugs, and/or other incidents.

Spring 2025 Recruitment

Thank you for registering for Penn IFC Recruitment, you've completed the first step! 

January 18: Fraternities can begin extending bids (inviting students to join their fraternity).
March 14: Last day to Initiate New Members 
TBD: New Member Orientation with the Penn Fraternity & Sorority Life Community

During Spring Recruitment, chapters operate Open Recruitment to meet students at a variety of events, ranging from Open Houses to small coffee chats. This allows the fraternity and Potential New Members (PNMs) the opportunity to interact with each other. PNMs can utilize these opportunities to explore the different fraternities at Penn. Chapters will plan their own events. Chapters might also have Invite-Only events where PNMs are invited directly by the fraternity. 

If you are a Potential New Member and interested in meeting IFC fraternities, you can contact Janáe Tucker tjanae@upenn.edu, a fraternity member, or the IFC Council Instagram account
@penn.ifc. If you're not sure where to start, the OFSL staff is here to assist you. 

The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life will verify the eligibility of each Potential New Member. 

Upon receiving a bid (invitation to join a fraternity), students need to submit their decision using Campus Director and complete a Greek Membership Affiliation Card (GMAC), which is submitted through Qualtircs to OFSL.

Spring Recruitment will be here before we know it. Check out the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life's website join page to learn more about our IFC council and events for recruitment. 

Eligibility Requirements
In order to be eligible for membership, a candidate must:

1.    Be a full-time enrolled undergraduate student in good standing with the University of Pennsylvania

2.    Have at least 4.0 course units completed on their University of Pennsylvania transcript.

3.    Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50.

Must register on Campus Director or complete Aspirant Grade Verification Form within respective timelines.

Please note
 that individual chapters may impose additional academic requirements to the University standards listed above. Course credits and academic eligibility vary across undergraduate schools. If you are considering participating in recruitment, we encourage you to speak with your academic advisor.

If you have any questions or are curious about any aspect of fraternities at Penn, feel free to reach out to Janae Tucker tjanae@upenn.edu. We look forward to meeting you soon! 

Follow the IFC Instagram @Penn.IFC

Follow the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life Instagram @PennOFSL


Best Regards,

The Interfraternity Council at the University of Pennsylvania